Sunday, July 18, 2010

Kids Craft and Charity Corner: Coming To The Long Beach Sunday Market!

COMING AUGUST 1: Kids KraftKids Craft and Charity Corner: Coming To The Long Beach Sunday Market! Korner!

Starting on August 1, Brianne's Basics will be hosting a Kids Kraft Korner at the Long Beach Sunday Market.

Every first Sunday, the Market has an Arts Theme. So for our kick-off event, we're having the kids make Summer Journals, which are pretty cute and easy. We're asking all the kids to bring photos and mementos to make the books. We're also taking pictures for them to put in the books.

We're also kicking off monthly charity drives! For August 1, we're collecting both school supplies and items for the troops, benefitting Love In The Mirror and Soldier's Angels. (To see exactly what we're collecting, click on the links). Each month, we'll have a different theme and we'll be collecting different items.

Each craft is a $1-2 donation, depending on the craft.

I am very very excited to be taking on this project for this awesome Sunday Market! It's a very family-centric place. I have three kids, and I obviously do a ton of charity work. They say charity begins at home. So I'm trying to do more in the Long Beach area.

I was also inspired by Kids Are Heroes. Kids can change the world, one event at a time.

If you'd like more information on sponsoring a craft, or having us collect items for your charity, please contact Heather at heathercrownelson {at}


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