I am SO excited and proud to announce I'm officially a
Doodlekins Diva!
What's that? You've never heard of Doodlekins?!
It's such a great company, run by friendly people. The tagline is "Create Your Own Cartoon Family". And you really do! How fun is that!
You choose skin color, eyes, hair color, hair style, accessories, etc. My biggest draw was that they had Awareness Ribbon colors in a huge variety of colors. As you all know, I'm big on charity and volunteer work. So that really appealed to me.
The selection and assortment is astounding! They have notecards, notepaper, notepads, stationary. Totebags, mugs, t-shirts. Round stickers, address labels, etc. You can personalize them for literally just about anything: graduation, h0lidays, weddings, baby, charity, anything!
And yes, I'm not only a fan and independent distributor, but I'm also a loyal customer! I've order items for my day job in a wedding chapel, plus for my charity business Brianne's Basics. The items were quality, and almost too adorable to use!
I've been asked to be a Doodlekins Diva, which means I'm now an Independent Distributor for the company. And I am SO proud of that! I really do love this company, and what they do.
There are a few ways you can order:
* www.Doodlekins.com and where it asks how you found us put in "Diva-Nelson-1"
* Purchase from me directly!
And during my LAUNCH PARTY, you can help out a charity as well!
I'm participating in CHOC Walk In The Park, March On Alzheimer's, PurpleStride OC & possibly a few other walks by December. I will donate 75% of my qualifying commission to the event of your choice in your name!
In addition, you'll receive a coupon and gift pack from me.
For more information, please email me at DivaNelson1 {at} yahoo {dot} com
Offer valid on orders placed from September 8-30, 2010. Order must be placed through Heather Nelson, Doodlekins Diva/Independent Distributor. Order must be paid for by September 30, 2010. Amount donated depends on order total before shipping and taxes.